Punjab Finance Minister Makhdoom Hashim Jawan Bakht said Monday that the government plans to establish industrial estates in 36 districts of Punjab according to the competitive strength of the district. He announced this while concluding the discussion on Punjab budget 2019-20 in Punjab Assembly.
He said due to the wrong policies of former PML (N) government industry, especially textile, suffered a lot. The present government has introduced industrial policy under which the government is giving special attention to export sector. The government is introducing new laws for increasing the exports.
While responding to opposition leader Hamza Shahbaz, the Finance Minister questioned as to what steps the PML (N) government had taken to increase the flow of dollar. He said when the PTI government came into power in 2018 trade deficit was $36.5 billion. Due to this, current account deficit reached $18 billion which is 43% more as compared to 2016-17.
The government is focusing on establishment of industrial zones and taking steps for the promotions of SMEs. The government is introducing three schemes in the proposed budget under Punjab Small Industries Cooperation which includes Credit Guarantee Scheme, Loan Mark up Scheme and Entrepreneurship Scheme. The government is focusing on public private partnership keeping in view the viability of these projects and it is planning to complete 13 big roads under the PPP.
He said the government is planning to make Bahawalpur district free from foot and mouth disease in animals so that we will be able to export meat and earn foreign exchange. Hashim said social sector is priority of the government. The government has allocated 20% more amount for health sector as compared to 2017-18. The government has allocated Rs 279 billion for health sector as compared to the allocation of Rs 233 billion in 2017-18.
The government has allocated Rs 383 billion for education which is 11% more than the budget allocation of Rs 345 billion in 2017-18. The government has allocated 35% of the budget for South Punjab. The budget allocated for South Punjab cannot be used anywhere else. He said the government has allocated three billion rupees for the establishment of South Punjab Secretariat.
Earlier, 43 demands for grants for the financial year 2019-20 presented in Punjab Assembly. A demand for grant of Rs 141,771,661,000 for the health services tabled in the House on Monday and was passed by majority followed by a demand for grant of Rs 66,373,607,000 for education. The speaker adjourned the session till Tuesday at 3.pm.
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