Port Qasim Karachi has collected customs duty of Rs 182.608 billion during the financial year 2018-19 against Rs 155.292 billion in the corresponding period of the last year, registering a growth of 17.5 percent on year-on-year basis. The collection is about 95.68 percent of the assigned target of Rs 190.83 billion which is the highest in the south region.
During the period, the collection of sales tax stood at Rs 301 billion as against Rs 291 billion on year-on-year basis registering 3.44 percent growth whereas collection of income tax remained Rs 60 billion against the last year's collection of Rs 53 billion which shows 13 per cent growth during the period.
Collection of FED is reported as Rs 4.60 billion as against Rs 4.15 billion collection during the last year. MCC Port Qasim has thus recorded unprecedented growth of 8.92 percent in total revenue collection from Rs 504 billion to Rs 549 billion on year-on-year basis. MCC Port Qasim, has, thus, contributed significant share in total revenue collection by the south region as well as FBR during the period.
The officials in MCC Port Qasim claimed that officials of entire collectorate worked day and night under the leadership of Collector MCC Port Qasim Mumtaz Ali Khoso to achieve the assigned target and extra efforts were made to recover outstanding revenue, auction of unclaimed goods, timely encashment of matured securities, liquation of litigation/ court cases and settlement of disputes between the traders and the collectorate.
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