Punjab Chief Minister, Sardar Usman Buzdar on Friday said that efforts will be made to remove the reservations of the traders' community while interests of the business community will be protected to every possible extent. "The purpose of ostensibly difficult economic decisions is to wriggle the country out of economic problems so that it could become economically self-reliant," the CM said.
Sardar Usman said the nation would have not faced the difficult circumstances today, had economic dacoity not been committed in the past. He said that Pakistan is moving towards peace and progress and the economy should be saved from any politics. In a statement issued, here on Friday, the CM maintained that the bailout package of international financial institutions signifies their trust over our economic policies. "The purpose of hue and cry of the Opposition is to divert the attention from financial corruption but these elements will not succeed in their designs. We want to remove poverty and deprivations at any cost," he added.
Sardar Usman Buzdar in his message on 'International Day of Cooperatives' said the cooperative agencies should perform according to the golden principle of mutual help so that this social movement could be continued in society. He said that Punjab Provincial Cooperative Bank Limited (PPCBL) is extending agriculture loans worth billions of rupees in the members of cooperative societies on easy terms and the Punjab government is also working hard, to bring ease in the lives of the people from different walks of life including the farmers through this beneficial movement.
Moreover, CM Sardar Usman Buzdar has directed the provincial administration and line departments to remain vigilant in wake of the recent spell of rains. He directed that drainage system should be made functional and necessary machinery and other resources should be fully utilized for drainage of water from low-lying areas. The traffic should not be affected due to rains and steps should be made in advance to avoid traffic jam like situation, he added. He said that officials of administration and rescue agencies should personally monitor the relief work.
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