Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan on Tuesday welcomed reconciliatory role of United States President Donald Trump on Kashmir situation and the regional peace. In a series of tweets, the SAPM said the nation was proud of the fact that Prime Minister Imran Khan strongly contested the case of Kashmir at international level.
She said the international community had taken cognizance of the situation in Indian Occupied Kashmir and had been expressing concerns over the unilateral Indian actions there. The special assistant said the UN Security Council's meeting negated the Indian claim of Kashmir being its internal matter.
"India can neither change reality of the festering dispute through its unilateral actions nor can hoodwink the world community," Dr Firdous said. The special assistant said Pakistan would present the case of oppressed Kashmiri people and the Indian injustices at every forum. She said India would be shown the mirror of its oppression and tyranny at every forum. The special assistant said Pakistan firmly stood with their Kashmiri brethren in their just struggle for the right to self-determination.
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