Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa on Tuesday said future of Pakistan is in the hands of youth and change can only be brought about by them. He said this during his interaction with representatives of youth from all across Sindh at ISPR. While paying a rich tribute to Sindh people, General Bajwa said the future of Pakistan was in the hands of youth as they were the people who would set priorities for the national leadership.
"Sindh is the lifeline of Pakistan. The youth of this province are hardworking and loyal while Sindh played a very important role in the formation of Pakistan. However, no one from outside will help us if we don't look ourselves with honesty. Pakistan's future is linked with democracy and the nation will regain its rank in the world."
The Army Chief said that changes are brought by youth all over the world. "Pakistan will go in the same direction where you [youth] moves," he added. He further said that when we were asked in the US for how the country has defeated the terrorism, we replied them for having such soldiers in the Pakistani military troops which sacrificed their lives for the motherland.
"We have freed Karachi from terrorism. The military has a merit-based system which is beneficial for the development of the country. In the military, it is always being taught to 'follow me' but not to force the soldiers to move forward." "Youth will have to set the direction as a leader as our new generation is the true hope of Pakistan," he concluded.
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