Islamabad Police have recovered 14-year old girl through prompt action who reportedly went missing from Sector G-8 on September 15. According to details, Karachi Company Police Station registered a case (no 364) under the section 365 PPC on September 15, 2019 that a girl Kameshka, daughter of Khalid Mehmud, student of 8th class had been missing from Sector G-8. Inspector General of Police (IGP) Islamabad Muhammad Aamir Zulfiqar took serious notice of this incident and directed DIG (Operations) Waqar Uddin Syed to ensure safe recovery of the girl and arrest those involved in it, says a press release issued here on Wednesday.
Two separate teams headed by SP (Investigation) Dr Syed Mustafa Tanveer and SP (Saddar) Omar Khan were constituted by him which started investigation by using latest investigation techniques and technology. These teams succeeded to recover the girl and arrest accused Zain Butt s/o Akhtar Zaman in coordination with Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) and personnel of other law enforcement agencies (LEAs)
During the preliminary investigation, the abducted girl told the police that she went along with her friend following her own will for visit and entertainment. Soon after the information about a girl missing from Sector G-8, a police spokesman said that some elements started campaign against Islamabad Police which is condemnable. He said that those trying to vilify their own state institutions are not serving the country but trying to create unrest in the society.
Highlighting the success story of Islamabad Police, he said that four children including Kameshka and Bismah have been recovered by the force during last 48 hours. Moreover, he said that efforts are underway to combat crime and ensure peace in the city while the murder cases have been reduced up to 20 percent during the last nine months of this year (2019) as compared to the corresponding period of last year.
Likewise, he said that dacoity cases reduced up to 88 percent this year while 234 criminals' gangs were busted besides recovery of valuables worth millions of rupees. The ratio of the recovery of looted items increased up to 70 percent this year.
Along with duties on almost 883 political, religious as well as other gatherings and visits of foreign dignitaries, Islamabad Police succeeded to trace 40 blind murder cases. Due to effective, organized and well-coordinated strategy, he said that the UN has declared Islamabad 'family station' for its international staff after 12 years.-PR
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