Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Firdous Ashiq Awan on Wednesday said the government would fully compensate the people who suffered losses due to earthquake in the areas of Mirpur, Azad Kashmir. Talking to the media persons along with Chairman National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Lieutenant General Muhammad Afzal in Mirpur, Firdous said she had met Azad Kashmir's Prime Minister to discuss strategy for payment of compensation to the affected. She said the government and the National Disaster Management Authority would fully support and facilitate the AJK Disaster Management Authority in relief and rehabilitation process.
She said that about 450 houses had been destroyed in the earthquake which would be rebuilt. She said all stakeholders would join hands to end difficulties of the affected people. She said that the relief goods reaching the areas would be distributed among the victims. The SAPM said that the nation got united at the time of 2005 earthquake and showed exemplary character and hopefully would show the same spirit. She said that Pakistan government, Armed Forces and the people of Pakistan stand by the Kashmiris at this difficult time.
To a question she said that the injured people would be provided all possible facilities and their houses would also be rebuilt. She assured that the divisional hospital of Mirpur will be provided with all the necessary equipment including the portable X-Ray to treat those wounded in the quake.
The Special Assistant said she was visiting the quake affected areas on the instruction of Prime Minister Imran Khan and the government fully stands by the quake victims in this hour of trial. Firdous Ashiq Awan described the calamity a national tragedy and said all the political parties and different segments of society should stand united to heal the wounds of quake victims.
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