The profit after tax of Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) rose by 35 percent to Rs 61.632 billion in the year ended June 30, 2019 (FY19 as compared to Rs 45.688 billion earned in the corresponding period of FY18. The company's earning per share increased to Rs 27.2 in the period under review against Rs 20.1 in the same period a year back.
The board of directors of the company in its meeting declared that the company's revenue increased by 30 percent on year-on-year basis to Rs 164 billion. Other income increased by 77 percent to Rs 16.5 billion. The company's exploration cost increased by 123 percent to Rs 24.8 billion.
On quarterly basis, the PPL's profit after tax increased by 31 percent to Rs 16.379 billion in the fourth quarter of FY19 as compared to Rs 12.495 billion earned in the corresponding period in FY18. The company's earnings per share in this quarter increased to Rs 7.22 against Rs 5.51 in the same quarter a year back.
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