Nestlé Pakistan, PCSIR, PFA, UAF, UVAS, and PSFST raise awareness on ‘food safety’
KARACHI: In order to protect consumer health and raise awareness regarding food safety, Nestlé Pakistan celebrated ‘World Food Safety Day’ at Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (PCSIR) Labs, Lahore. The event was organised in collaboration with Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (PCSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology, Punjab Food Authority (PFA), University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF), University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore (UVAS) and Pakistan Society of Food Scientists and Technologists (PSFST).
The event brought to light the need for food safety regulation in Pakistan to ensure food quality and standards which protect the health of consumers.
Captain Muhammad Usman (Rtd), Director General Punjab Food authority graced the occasion as chief guest. While sharing his views he said, “This year, the theme of World Food Safety Day is ‘Everyone’s Business’; which means that all stakeholders and relevant authorities should play their role in harmonising food safety rules based on scientific principles.”
Doctor Farhat Jameel, Head of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs, Nestlé Pakistan, said “Being one of the world’s largest food and beverage companies, its Nestlé’s global commitment and top most priority to provide safe products to the consumers. The objective requires collaborative efforts from all stakeholders including government, regulators, academia, laboratories, the media fraternity, consumers and the private sector. It is only when we have synchronised our food safety standards based on global standards, we will have access to international and domestic markets.”
Sahar Samreen, Head of Quality Assurance, Nestlé Pakistan expressing her views at the event said, “The effective implementation of food safety rules and standards enable access of national products of regional and international markets.”
Engineer Adnan Akram, Acting DG PCSIR Lahore, while speaking on the occasion said, “Putting food safety and national food rules on the agenda is the first step towards economic growth for Pakistan. This will lead to food quality and standards which will protect the health of consumers while facilitating trade at the domestic and international level.”
Officials from PCSIR, Punjab Food Authority (PFA), University of Agriculture Faisalabad (UAF), University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore (UVAS), Pakistan Society of Food Scientists and Technologists (PSFST) and other regulatory authorities participated in the event. Beside this, representatives from various certification bodies, as well as raw and packaging material suppliers also participated and graced the event.
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