"So is it ransom or indemnity bond?"

"Depends on which side of the aisle you are sitting."

"Oh really!"

"Why the disbelief?"

"I would imagine the space you referred to is too large - it's not an entire aisle, just one seat."

"Ah, I get it and agree, whoever sits on the seat of the leader of the house determines all definitions, not one or two major ones, all definitions..."

"But a few remain the same!"

"Such as?"


"You do realise that there are different regional and national definitions of terror, but no international agreement on what terror means - and if the world is not agreed in spite of the West's ability to compel small underdeveloped economies reliant on their largesse to define terror according to their wishes, you can imagine in a country like ours where divisiveness between political groups is widening..."

"Yeah, America eat your heart out!"

"I agree, I mean the hatred and anger that two men sitting side by side in the great hall of the national assembly can generate against a large portion of the country's population......"

"There is an entire aisle in between! And ne'er the two shall meet."

"Don't be facetious, this is serious."

"Agreed, anyway you said two men but now there are three - don't forget Zardari sahib and he rules Sindh."

"I am not sure how relevant he is at present, he is reportedly sicker than Nawaz Sharif, runs a province unlike Nawaz Sharif, is not convicted like Nawaz Sharif and yet he is being ignored by the power that be."

"Was that deliberate?"

"Yes certainly, it seems deliberate..."

"No, I meant your use of the singular instead of the usual plural - power instead of powers that be."

"Oh shush."

Copyright Business Recorder, 2019


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