Pakistan on Tuesday nominated renowned trade leaders Iftikhar Ali Malik and Engr Daroo Khan for the slots of President and Vice President of the SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry for two-year term 2020-21.
Iftikhar Malik has been associated with this chamber since 1990 and remained its Vice President for eight consecutive years and currently holding the position of Senior Vice President while Engr Daroo Khan Achakzai-hailing from Balouchistan is outgoing president of Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Commenting on his nomination, Malik said this would be great honor for Pakistan and proud yet humbled to accept this prestigious position of Presidency at SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry. SAARC CCI is a political and trades block which has population little over 1.7 billion with enormous unutilized natural and human resources.
"The engine of the growth of the South Asia is the private sector of SAARC member countries. Therefore, development and the progress of the SAARC member countries cannot be separated from the development and progress of the private sector of the SAARC member countries" he said.
"In this context, under my Presidency, I would focus on trade and investments both unilaterally and bilaterally in short-term and long-term targets to bring "SAARC" brand shining in the world economy to be the strongest and best chamber in the world in year 2030," he added.
India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives, Afghanistan and Pakistan are members of the Chamber whose and presidentship rotates in all member states.
Iftikhar Ali Malik aged 78 also remained Presidents of Federation of Pakistan Chamber of Commerce and Lahore Chamber and has been active in trade politics since 1975. He held a number of key assignments and worked dedicated and selflessly without getting any perks throughout his life span. In a capacity of Chairman Building committee he constructed 9 storey state of the capital building of SAARC Chamber worth Rs 1.5 billion in Islamabad.
Copyright Business Recorder, 2019
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