Egypt's state buyer, the General Authority for Supply Commodities (GASC), received on Thursday a lowest offer of 12,880 Egyptian pounds for 6,000 tonnes of soyaoil at a tender for local vegetable oils, traders said. The offer was presented by Watanya. GASC said on Tuesday it was seeking at least 3,000 tonnes of local soyaoil and 2,000 tonnes of local sunflower oil in a tender for a Feb. 1-15 arrival period.
The buyer did not receive any offers for sunflower oil. Traders gave the following breakdown of the offers in Egyptian pounds and the equivalent in US Dollars.
Watanya: 6,000 tonnes of soyaoil at 12,880 Egyptian pounds ($802.49). Alex Co. For Seeds: 20,000 tonnes of soyaoil at 12,975 Egyptian pounds ($808.41). Uccma: 3,000 tonnes of soyaoil 13,150 Egyptian pounds ($819.15). The tender results are expected later on Thursday.
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