Gold on Friday was traded for Rs 90,300 per tola, up by Rs 150 on the local market, traders said. The yellow metal was being sold for Rs77,418 per 10 grams, up by Rs 128 and $1,559 an ounce up by $5. Silver was selling for Rs 1,000 per tola, Rs 857.33 per 10 grams and $1,782 an ounce, traders added.

Pakistan imported 5 percent or $418,000 more gold to $9.168 million in July-Dec 2020 comparing to the import of yellow metal of $8.750 million in July-Dec 2019. In term of volume, the country's gold import was unchanged at 23 kilograms this fiscal year as well.

In Dec 2019, the country's import of gold was $1.775 million, which was 85.28 percent or $844,000 higher than import of the precious metal of $931,000 in Dec 2018. About 68 percent or 16 kilograms increase in gold import has witnessed to 39 kilograms in Dec 2019 from 23 kilograms in Dec 2018, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics shows.

Copyright Business Recorder, 2020



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