Gold on Monday surged to a new record high of Rs96,300 per tola, up by Rs2,000 in a single-day trade on the local market, traders said.
The precious metal is now selling at Rs82,562 per 10 grams, up by Rs1,715 and $1,684 an ounce, up by $40 on the world market. Silver is selling for Rs1,060 per tola, Rs908.77 per 10 grams and $18.77 an ounce, they added.
Pakistan imported 4 percent or $351,000 of more gold to $10.068 million during July-Jan 2019-20 from $9.717 million during July-Jan 2018-19, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics says.
Import volume of the metal is down by 3.23 percent or 8 kilograms to 240 kilograms in July-Jan 2019-20 from 248 kilograms in July-Jan 2018-19.
Down by 7.13 percent or $69, 000, the country imported $899,000 of gold comparing to the yellow metal import of $968,000 in Jan 2019.
Gold import quantity also dipped to 18 kilograms in Jan 2020 from 25 kilograms in Jan 2019, showing a fall of 28 percent or 7 kilograms.
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