Partly Facetious: The naked eye is assisted by science
"Do you believe in numerology?"
"Well, not quite but I know several people who consult with a numerologist before naming their children or before embarking on a major initiative in their lives or..."
"Indeed, so when would Ramzan start?"
"Fawad Chaudhry, a lawyer turned a lover of all things science since he was abruptly moved from the Ministry of Information to head the Ministry of Science and Technology..."
"I hope you are not being facetious - I mean instead of appreciating the fact that he has immersed himself in the new ministry you seem to be poking fun at him, if only other ministers would similarly immerse themselves in the workings of the ministry they head."
"I stand corrected anyway Chaudhry sahib says that science tells him that Ramzan will start on the 25 of this month; and before you think I am not being serious let me restate that in all other Muslim countries science is used to set the dates of the lunar calendar and not, I repeat not the naked eye, however worthy one particular eye maybe relative to another."
"That's not fair! The naked eye is assisted by science - I am referring to the telescopes in obvious use by the Ruet-i-Hilal Committee."
"Hmmm, so limited use of science and not..."
"Stop it right now - anyway that's not what I was referring to when I asked if you believed in numerology."
"You don't reckon numerology is used in other spiritual fields and..."
"Just be quiet. All I am referring to is the fact that the forensic report on the sugar sector is due on 25 - Ramzan falls on the same day as the forensic report and..."
"I reckon it was coincidental."
"Nothing is coincidental in the Land of the Pure."
"So what does numerology tell us? Will 25 April imply that the sugar barons go scot-free or not?"
"Oh shush."
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