victoria-nuland400KARACHI: The United States (US) has expressed its concerns over the arrest of young Pakistani girl on blasphemy charges. State Department Spokesman Victoria Nuland refer to the incident as being “deeply disturbing” and asked President Asif Ali Zardari to take action.

Rimsha, aged between 11 and 16, reportedly has Down's syndrome. She resides in a low-income vicinity of Islamabad.

The girl was accused of burning papers containing verses from the Quran. She was arrested last Thursday and is now being held in a jail in Rawalpindi, and her case has prompted concern from Western governments and fury from rights campaigners.

“This case is obviously deeply disturbing,” Nuland told media reporters.

“We think that the President's statement is very welcome, and we urge the government of Pakistan to protect not just its religious minority citizens but also women and girls,” Nuland further added.

Nuland also ask Pakistan to carry out the investigation “in a transparent way.”

A police official said on Monday there was little evidence that pages of the book had been burned and that the case would likely be dropped.


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