The health ministry said in a tweet that 4,140 new coronavirus cases were reported on Saturday, pushing the total past 466,000 with 1,866 deaths - the third highest infection rate in the region behind Indonesia and the Philippines.
Health emergency chief Fernando Simon confirmed infections were on the rise across the country and that pressure on the health system was beginning to build.
Ireland has been under strict lockdown since late December, which the government says will be gradually unwound over the coming months.
The head of Ireland's health service operator, Paul Reid, said on Wednesday that although the number of people in hospital or in need of critical care continued to fall, swabbing referrals were up 35% week-on-week on Monday and 42% on Tuesday.
The high death rate follows a sharp increase in infections in the first 10 days of the year following a relaxation of public-health measures over the Christmas season.
The country also eased rules on allowing pandemic-hit businesses to apply for state financial aid in hardship cases.
Switzerland, which has so far taken a lighter touch to restricting business and public life, said it will close shops selling non-essential supplies from Monday.