IP gas line project: Iran refuses to accept ‘force majeure’ notice ISLAMABAD: Iran refused to accept the force majeure notice served by Pakistan to suspend work on the... Updated 10 Aug, 2023 09:52am
Business & Finance Pakistan can benefit from Iran’s huge energy resources: CG KARACHI: The Consul General of Iran in Karachi Iranian Hassan Noorian has expressed his belief in the deep-rooted ... Published 18 Jul, 2023 05:51am
Print NA body asks govt to remove obstacles to IP gas pipeline project ISLAMABAD: A National Assembly panel was informed on Thursday that because of the International Monetary Fund’s... Updated 03 Mar, 2023 08:51am
Print IP gas project: Govt has sought relaxation from US, PAC informed ISLAMABAD: Federal government has sought relaxation from the US administration on Iran-Pakistan (IP) Gas Pipeline... Updated 02 Mar, 2023 09:13am
Print Country likely to buy Iranian LPG in PKR Issue to be discussed during Pak-Iran Joint Economic Commission in August Updated 25 Jul, 2022 09:25am
Arrest of Kabul bombing suspect illustrates vital US-Pakistan counterterrorism cooperation: US State Dept