Spain's maritime authorities approved the reopening because of falling COVID-19 incidence rates and an increase in vaccinations.
"Shipping companies will have to comply with measures established by the health ministry ... to guarantee total security, both for cruise passengers and for the cities where they land."
Spain upped this year's budget deficit estimate from an initial 7.7%, but at 8.4% it would still be an improvement on 2020's 11-year high of 11%, after the economy shrank in the first quarter due to COVID-19 restrictions.
The gap should further narrow in 2022 to 5%, then 4% in 2023 and finally to 3.2% in 2024, she said, meaning that Spain does not plan to meet the 3% threshold earlier than 2025.
International tourism to Spain plunged 80% to 19 million visitors last year - the lowest since 1969 - as coronavirus travel restrictions took their toll on the world's second most visited country.
"Maybe the ideal goal is ... to get half of the tourists we had in 2019," Tourism Minister Reyes Maroto told an event held by Europa Press news agency.
The package will also include 3 billion euros to be implemented through voluntary debt restructurings of state-backed loans granted by banks to companies hit by the pandemic - many of them in the key tourism sector - and 1 billion euros will come in the form of capital injections.
The duration and the economic impact of the pandemic increase the risk of over-indebtedness ... By acting at the right moment we will avoid greater costs in the future.
Once the confinement began winding down, house sales grew," said a spokeswoman for online property portal Fotocasa on Monday.
The Balearic and Canary Islands, two archipelagos favoured by tourists and international investors, respectively lost 20% and 17% of their house sales volume in 2020.
The measure, which appears to be unique in Europe, will apply to the three vaccines currently being distributed in Spain and is provisional pending further research.
People older than 55 or those with health risks that make them more vulnerable to reinfection will be exempted from the delay.