Opinion Partly Facetious: Trump's legacy of dealing or not dealing ARTICLE: "Donald Trump's legacy won't be that easy to dismiss by Democrats." "What legacy? His legacy of dealing ... Published 02 Jul, 2020 02:48am
Opinion Partly Facetious: Finance Bill sails through NA ARTICLE: "The Finance Bill has been passed by the assembly so nah nah nah phooh phooh." "What are you,... Published 01 Jul, 2020 03:09am
Opinion Partly Facetious: Shibli doing a stellar job? ARTICLE: "Shibli Faraz says that all in Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf (PTI) are united behind the Prime Minister." "He ... Published 30 Jun, 2020 03:10am
Markets POL products: massive price rise ARTICLE: The federal budget for next fiscal year is yet to be passed by parliament and rumblings against the... Published 29 Jun, 2020 02:41am
Opinion Partly Facetious: A bigger no to the Maulana... ARTICLE: "So you reckon the Prime Minister will give him an appointment." "No to Bilawal, no to Khawaja Asif, no to... Published 27 Jun, 2020 02:55am
Opinion Partly Facetious: Composition of Khan's team ARTICLE: "OK, so the Khan is the captain of his cricket team but I thought a team had eleven players plus perhaps a... Published 26 Jun, 2020 03:34am
Opinion Partly Facetious : The divisiveness within the cabinet ARTICLE: "So infighting in the ruling party..." "Right, but that should not surprise anyone; there have been... Published 25 Jun, 2020 02:50am
Opinion Partly Facetious: Stray dogs are rampant in Islamabad ARTICLE: "When you are right you are right." "But...but..." "Trust me on this." "But..." "No buts my friend -... Published 24 Jun, 2020 03:13am
Opinion Borrowing a lot more! ARTICLE: The Khan administration has been accusing previous administrations, more particularly the PML-N government,... Published 22 Jun, 2020 03:03am
Opinion Partly Facetious: Tax projections ARTICLE: "So who came up with the tax projections for next year?" "Are you going to make a positive comment or... Published 22 Jun, 2020 03:03am
Opinion Partly Facetious: The 'Brown' sahibs ARTICLE: "Oh woe is me." "Hey, why the theatrics?" "I am nostalgic for the past and..." "Hmmm that reflects your... Published 19 Jun, 2020 03:27am
Opinion Partly Facetious: Covid-19 running rampant ARTICLE: "So what's up?" "Coronavirus is running rampant...." "I am tired of hearing about the virus! Let's talk ... Published 18 Jun, 2020 03:05am
Opinion Partly Facetious ARTICLE: Delusions of grandeur! "Khawaja Asif says the two economic team leaders appointed by The Khan should be... Published 17 Jun, 2020 02:50am
Opinion PARTLY FACETIOUS: The difference between Nawaz & Shahbaz ARTICLE: "The Buzz will go far." "I reckon he has gone as far as luck would have it." "You dare talk of luck! His... Published 16 Jun, 2020 03:37am
Opinion Budget 2020-21 ARTICLE: The Ministry of Finance headed by Prime Minister's Advisor on Finance Dr Hafeez Sheikh incorporated most of... Published 15 Jun, 2020 03:13am
Epaper How will the economy fare in this budget? ARTICLE: Budget 2020-21 is as much about optics as previous budgets with reference to over optimistic sectoral and... Published 13 Jun, 2020 03:31am
Opinion PARTLY FACETIOUS: Is it going to be plain sailing? ARTICLE: "So only 40 members from the Opposition can physically attend the budget presentation; I reckon it maybe... Published 12 Jun, 2020 03:07am
Epaper Deliberate data confusion? ARTICLE: Lies, damned lies and statistics is an aphorism that many a professor of statistics cites to his... Published 12 Jun, 2020 03:07am
Opinion Partly Facetious : What's the definition of word 'technocrat'? ARTICLE: "Who's a technocrat?" "The dictionary definition; or the one our politicians use to run... Published 11 Jun, 2020 03:00am
Opinion Partly Facetious : Imran is more stronger after his third marriage? ARTICLE: "I haven't done marveling." "If you are referring to the re-emergence of Danyal Aziz on television after ... Published 10 Jun, 2020 03:05am