Anjum Ibrahim

Loan sharks

Loan sharks

Loan sharks are believed to be common enough in the Subcontinent, including Pakistan, and several Indian and Pakistani films base the travails of a poor or a lower middle-income protagonist on a particularly unprepossessing loan shark. There are infrequen
Published 21 Jan, 2019 12:00am
The matter of credible statistics

The matter of credible statistics

Statistics in Pakistan has been more about claims of achievements with political overtones rather than credible data and unfortunately this is yet another area of activity that has not been given due importance by the Khan administration.
Published 14 Jan, 2019 12:00am
Partly Facetious: 'OTT'?

Partly Facetious: 'OTT'?

"So what does The Khan reckon is OTT welcome to a delegation that has come bearing gifts..."
Published 08 Jan, 2019 12:00am
Economic diplomacy

Economic diplomacy

There is an emerging consensus that the Khan administration's economic diplomacy has been extremely successful to-date, if economic diplomacy is defined as incurring loans and procuring oil products on deferred payment, though increasingly claims are bein
Published 07 Jan, 2019 12:00am