With the imposition of 17% GST on the previously zero rated textile sector, FBR is looking at collecting Rs 600 billion from the sector and giving a refund of approximately Rs 480 billion on exports. This is only part of the story, there are many other mi
There have recently been a spate of ill-informed articles on the stagnation of textile exports, subsidies to the textiles sector, under-taxed domestic sales, rationale for removing zero rating and APTMA's lack of professionalism. It is time that the recor
The story of our why Pakistan has not been able to maintain or increase its market share in the rapidly growing textile market has been very much like the game of Ludo. Each time industry has been poised to take off we land on the proverbial snake and hav
The story of our why Pakistan has not been able to maintain or increase its market share in the rapidly growing textile market has been very much like the game of Ludo. Each time industry has been poised to take off we land on the proverbial snake and hav