Opinion Innovation and investment in textiles Textile and apparel manufacturing not only serves as a creator of jobs, but also delineates a sustainable path to... Published 04 Mar, 2021 04:58am
Markets ‘Irrational’ energy policies Pakistan has historically possessed some of the highest power tariffs in the region, which have not only hindered... Published 22 Feb, 2021 04:25am
Opinion Moratorium on gas supply to CPPs is no solution Pakistan is faced with an acute gas shortage. Natural gas resources, which comprise 50% of the country’s total... Published 09 Feb, 2021 04:43am
Opinion ‘Anti-export’ bias There is a dire need for transparency and rationalization in Pakistan’s tariff policymaking. It has been oft... Published 27 Jan, 2021 04:59am
Opinion Export-led growth takeoff Setting the stage for sustainable economic growth, Pakistan’s exports for the month of December 2020 grew by 18.3%... Updated 06 Jan, 2021 03:17am
Perspectives CTBCM: Delusion of a Market The influence of political economy on decision-making is no secret, and the resultant skewed priorities have serious... Published 29 Dec, 2020 12:10pm
Opinion Construction sector's massive potential - II In order to transform cities into commercial hubs, Pakistan must Updated 10 Dec, 2020 03:39am
Opinion Construction sector's massive potential - I The construction sector has great potential to uplift the entire economy, as it generates an impressive chain of... Published 09 Dec, 2020 02:52am
Markets Cotton roadmap Cotton was always considered to be a resilient and reliable lifeline of Pakistan’s economy; however, the reduction... Published 19 Nov, 2020 02:55am
Markets Accelerating growth and employment Things are on the upswing for Pakistan’s economy. The government’s efforts have proved to be instrumental in not... Published 05 Nov, 2020 02:53am
Opinion BD’s growth and Pakistan’s prospects According to the IMF’s latest estimation, the growth of India’s gross domestic product (GDP) will witness a... Published 29 Oct, 2020 02:53am
Markets Made-in-Pakistan: Improving Global Perceptions The ‘Made-in-Pakistan’ label has the potential to become a symbol of repute, but this aspiration must be... Published 12 Oct, 2020 11:17am
Perspectives Consumers' Dilemma and the gas sector crisis in Pakistan Pakistan’s energy crisis resulting from expensive fuel sources, chronic natural gas and electricity shortages,... Updated 12 Oct, 2020 11:15am
Markets Pakistan’s Power Sector Woes: A Beginning with No End The woes of Pakistan’s power sector and associated negatives such as impact on GDP, high tariffs, prolonged and... Published 21 Sep, 2020 06:51pm
Markets Foreign aid or export-led growth? ARTICLE: Pakistan's total public debt rose to Rs36.3 trillion, which is equivalent to 87 per cent of the GDP, by the... Published 10 Sep, 2020 02:29am
Opinion India's high growth reform agenda: lessons for Pakistan ARTICLE: In addition to the health and human toll, the Covid-19 pandemic is likely to represent the largest economic... Published 02 Sep, 2020 02:42am
Markets Protectionism vs productivity ARTICLE: Pakistan has the world's seventh-most protected economy. The country's inward oriented trade policies have... Published 27 Aug, 2020 02:44am
Markets Private sector investment ARTICLE: Pakistan is amongst the nations with the lowest investment and saving rates in the world. This has... Published 13 Aug, 2020 02:31am
Markets Exports for economic growth ARTICLE: Trade and technological advancements provide the fundamental impetus for sustainable economic growth.... Published 22 Jul, 2020 02:47am
Opinion Actualizing budget targets ARTICLE: The task of preparing a perfect budget is challenging in normal times. Today, when coronavirus is ravaging... Published 18 Jun, 2020 03:05am